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How to Write an Argumentative Research Paper

How to Write an Argumentative Research Paper

The first step to write an argumentative research paper is to choose the topic. Choose an interesting topic, develop a thesis statement and collect evidence that supports your point of view. After you’ve completed all of this, it is time to start writing. Argumentative research papers can be up to 20 pages in length.

Argumentative essay writing

An argumentative essay is a type of academic writing that seeks to convince others to accept or disapprove of your point of view. A thesis statement is a statement that states whether something is true or false. Argumentative essays typically contain one. They should also contain a clear and well-worded set of arguments and examples to support their thesis. In addition, an argumentative essay should include a conclusion to reinforce the thesis. It summarizes the evidence that is presented in the essay and calls the reader to take action.

Argumentative essays can be composed of numerous topics, so it’s important to find one that is interesting and interesting. You must be enthusiastic about the subject and be competent to support the argument with logic and facts. You should also develop an argument that is in relation to the topic and there are five kinds of claims you could make.

Choosing a thesis statement

A thesis statement is an essential part of your argumentative paper. This should be concise and strong statement on your subject. It should be precise. It should only address the most pertinent aspects of your subject. Your thesis statement should address a specific question.

To create a powerful thesis statement, you need to first determine what type of paper you’re writing. Some papers call for an argumentative tone, whereas others require general information. For these types of papers you’ll need an argumentative thesis statement that defines your argument and provides evidence to support it. Your thesis statement should pique the reader’s interest in your subject. These guidelines will assist you in choosing the appropriate thesis statement to use in your argumentative essay.

The thesis statement should convey the central concept of your paper. If the statement is not clear, your readers won’t know what to do. If your thesis statement is backed by a strong hook, then your reader will be able to relate to it and will be more receptive to your argument.

Find evidence to support your view

You must gather evidence to support your position as a writer. This could include material from reliable outside sources. These can include photos videos, audio footage and recordings. You can also use reasons from news articles, scholarly works, or public policy documents. When searching for this information, you should examine the credibility of each source, and then choose the evidence that supports your argument.

You may be passionate about a subject and you enjoy writing about concussions at the NFL. While the issue isn’t as important as climate change, many people are affected by it. Whatever the case, writing about your passion will aid you in writing an argumentative essay that is persuasive.

Including counterarguments

You should add counterarguments to strengthen your argumentative essay. Counterarguments challenge your argument and provide an alternative perspective. It helps you to understand the entire issue. It can be helpful to consider the implications of opposing views when writing about controversial topics.

To convince your audience, you need to address counterarguments, regardless of whether you are arguing for or against an argument. To do so, you must acknowledge that the opposing viewpoint is valid and offer additional evidence to prove your argument. Counterarguments usually appear at the end of an argumentative paper so that you can present your arguments in a comprehensive manner.

Argumentative essays should contain counterarguments. They are essential to the success of your essay. It is essential to include counterarguments in order to avoid confusing your audience. Make sure you include transition words whenever you need to. Effective transition words can improve https://www.sitejabber.com/reviews/essayswriting.org the flow of your essay and more powerful. To illustrate, if you are writing a counterargument for a strong argument, you can use phrases such as “according to some” and “though some people believe …”. This will indicate that the counterargument is based on fact. Also, ensure that you read your essay several times before submitting it. If you don’t, you’ll miss errors that are relatively easy to fix.